UCMS Long-Term Investment Plans

Start your journey on Investment with Minimum Investment - ₹ 5,000
Under This Plan,

Maximum Investment - 20 Lakhs

Investments in securities are subject to market risks, including price fluctuation risks. There is no assurance or guarantee that the minimum and maximum objectives of any scheme will be achieved. The past performance of any scheme is not indicative of future performance, whether in the same scheme or any other existing or future schemes. Investors are not being offered any guarantees or indications of maximum returns through these schemes.

Investors should carefully consider their financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance before investing. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses. It is advisable to seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions.

The investor is obligated to complete the 12-month minimum period of investment for any kind of redemption.

Investment Plan


Return over Capital

5 Years

123% to 351%

Platinum Plan

4 Years

90% to 223%

A long-term investment horizon allows you to leverage the power of compounding, which can significantly enhance your returns. It also provides ample time to recover from short-term market fluctuations, reducing the overall risk. UCMS's long-term investment plan primarily invests in stocks and has the potential to deliver high returns over a longer duration. They can be an excellent choice for your 10-year investment plan, especially for low-risk investors.

Platinum-II Plan